As soon as you start to think about who you can trust to get you every penny that is owed to you. We can discuss preparation of your year end taxes paid in, along with predetermining what your refund will be, being as though you do not owe in any taxes due to not having enough withholdings throughout the year.
Short question and answer to that question is, did you have any withholdings? Were you a 1099 contract worker? Were you self employed and did not pay in quarterly taxes? If you answered No. Yes. Yes then we will go more in depth about writeoffs and credits that can assist you.
One that actually ask you QUESTIONS about your financial situation. One that as skin you questions about your vehicle depreciation if you commute back and forth to work. One that ask you if you have any writeoffs, receipts and or work related expenses. One that offers solutions instead of just staying on the surface. You have to have someone that really care about getting you every dollar you deserve. Contact us and we will provide solutions.
There are not any upfront fees. Your fees will come out of your tax refund once it is issued by the IRS.
Data security is very important to us here at JL Tax Preparation. We take securing your information very serious and follow ALL of the guidelines to protect our clients.
Go online to: Where’s My Refund? and it will give you the status of your refund. You can check the status within 24 hours after we’ve received your e-file return or 4 weeks after you’ve mailed a paper return. It has the most up to date information about your refund. Or you can contact us at Jl Tax and be able to tell you. You have those ill options available to you.
According to the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, the IRS cannot issue EITC and ACTC refunds before mid-February. The IRS expects the earliest EITC/ACTC related refunds to be available in taxpayer bank accounts or debit cards starting in late February. If taxpayers chose direct deposit and there are no other issues with their tax return.
Subtract tax credits from the amount of tax you owe. There are two types of tax credits:
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Guaranteed Largest Refund
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